Whether it’s a hurricane, fire, earthquake, terrorist attack, or just a bad storm that causes wide spread power outages, flooding, etc., being hit unprepared when disaster strikes can be catastrophic. Fortunately, there are some good steps that can be taken to help make the best of a bad situation. Listed below are a few of the more useful sites we have found:
Disaster and Emergency Planning Guide
US Deptartment of Health & Human Services offers a page of useful links to all kinds of government and commercial resources.
Preparing Your Business For the Unthinkable
Great resource from the American Red Cross with tips, plans, how to protect employees, reduce damage, etc.
SBA Disaster Preparedness Considerations
The U.S. Small Business Administration website includes toolkit, facilities contingency plans, operations tips, communication plans, and insurance pointers.
Ready.gov for Business
Dept. of Homeland Security offers a great resource for businesses to help create emergency and contingency plans to protect your investment, be prepared when electricity and utilities go down, and how to stay in business.