There are a couple of questions you may want to ask yourself before calling so that we can best assist you.
Did it perform its last scheduled weekly cycle?
If you don’t know this and question the ability of the generator to run, take a look at the display as it should have some indication as to whether it is ready to go, in standby mode, or it could potentially produce or display an error code.
Is there an error code or issued displayed on the unit?
Most units have the ability to display some sort of error code. It may be just a code “22” or could be more in detail as to “Low Oil Shutdown” depending on the make and model of the generator these messages can vary in detail. Either way we can better assist you with getting the matter resolved.
Do you have adequate fuel supply?
It is important to ensure that you have adequate fuel supply for the generator. Would your car travel far without gas? Check the levels of your Propane tanks, ensure adequate diesel fuel supply, with Natural Gas you have no need to worry.
Is it free and clear of snow & debris?
In order for the generator to run efficiently, proper ventilation is required. The most common issue in the winter is the inevitable snow drifts. Be sure to clear away any snow that may prohibit proper ventilation to the unit. During non-winter months the occasional unpruned landscaping or during the fall months, leaf backup could even cause the issue of poor ventilation.
The examples above are not intended to depict every scenario possible. However it is most important for you to obtain as much information as you can from the situation, so that we can better assist you in getting the problem resolved. It is most important to call us at your earliest convenience with any issues so that we can address in a timely fashion.