The Lombardini Marine generator is the result of many years of study and research. Together with boat builders and final users combined with market research Lombardini understood the needs of everyone, by building what was required by the market.
Lombardini has produced a generator which answers the fundamental requirements of quiet operation, compactness, lightweight along with vibration free operation. Lombardini Marine products were designed and capable of working in high temperature environments and at large angles of inclination.
Lombardini has designed a great wave shape, as well as easy accessibility for maintenance checks has also been achieved.
The LMG 4000/6000 are equipped with the Lombardini 15 LD, single-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine, known for its compactness and lightness thanks to the crank case and cylinder head in aluminum and the air cooling system.
On models LMG 4000/6000 the alternator is a syncronous type without brushes with the windings on the stator. The wave shape allows the safe utilization of the most sophisticated electronic equipment and a good input to the battery charger.
A characteristic of the LMG 4000/6000 generator set is the air-water cooling system with radiator. The sea water cools the oil as well as the external walls of the alternator’s stator and the inlet air.
Remote Control Box
The generator set is supplied with a remote control box and 10 m of plug-in cable. An automatic shutdown operates in case of oil pressure and water temperature failure, warning lights indicate high water temperature, low oil pressure. A display indicates output voltage, output current, engine battery low voltage and runtime hours. On request an additional control box is also available.
In order to simplify its maintenance, the generator has been designed with all the controls and engine parts which require routine servicing on only one side. It is sufficient to remove only one side of the canopy to carry out all maintenance operations.
Noiseless Energy
The shield, built in fiberglass with neoprene clothing and cavity, reduces noticeably the noise.
Easy Installation
The gen-set is supplied with pre-mounted external rubber mounts and it is only necessary to fix them to the boat structure with special screws. For the electrical cable, sea water pipes and exhaust, you will find special openings and plugs in the canopy.
Automatic Security Stop
PeIn order to avoid serious damage to the engine, a special safety shutdown device stops the engine in case of overload, high temperature of the water cooling and low oil pressure.
When the boat has to sail heeled, the generator set has to continue working in order to guarantee the necessary power to the electrical system on board. The gen-set can work constantly with lateral or longitudinal inclination of 25° and intermittently with 30°.
Assistance Network
Lombardini Marine has a dealer and service network which covers Europe and the rest of the world wherever pleasure boats are operating. An efficient spare parts department supplies parts and accessories anywhere in the world.